Sunday, May 10, 2020

It's Been A Long, Long Time

It has been a long time since I was here to add anything to my blog. After I was diagnosed with A-Fib (a heart condition that causes irregular heart beats), I was not able to get out to hike much . That made me so unhappy because hiking and taking photographs to share are my favorite things to do. Also, as I have gotten older (I am 70 now) , I cannot hike as far, nor can I go up semi-steep trails anymore.

I will tell you that I have now gotten my A-Fib under control, thanks to the modern medicines that are out there now.

In 2018, my older brother moved in with me. He was a resident of Paradise, CA, a town in northern California that was 90% wiped out by California's most deadly wildfire in history. There was no town left, so I invited him to move in with me here in Santa Clarita, CA.

I am now starting to get out more for daily walks, but where I used to do 2 to 4 miles a day, I can now only do about 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day, but at least that is something. My cardiologist has told me to get out and walk as much as I can.

I had hoped that this spring, I would be able to start hiking on some of the trails again. I would just have to stop every now and then to rest some. But then this terrible Covid-19 virus took over the world and changed all of our lives. The trails in SoCal were closed.  I did hear that our local trails have just opened back up, as long as we wear face masks.

I hope that if anyone is reading this, that you are safe and staying well and I hope that this time in our lives will soon be just a bad memory.
