Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Group Day

Had my Grief Support Group today. Seems like more and more people are coming and we are running out of room in our small space. Another woman told me that my articles in The Mighty Oak have helped her. She said her family has been telling her that she should be “getting over” her husband's death. He died a year ago. She saw one of my articles that said that there is no right or wrong in grieving and that people have no right to tell us how to grieve. She said she cut that article out of the paper and sent it to her sister in hopes that it will make her sister understand that what she is going through is “normal”. Went to lunch with three of the group ladies (DeDee, Jane and Linda). Got home around 2:30 pm and took Hiker down to the park. It was pretty warm out there. It is 87° right now at 3:45 pm (PDST). I wish I could send some of this weather to the people on the east coast.

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