I cannot believe it is December already. Where has the year gone? My entire body was sore this morning when I got out of bed. Did too much work yesterday putting up my Christmas lights and then helping Jean with her decorations. She and I took the dogs for a morning walk and then headed over to our community hosted holiday boutique. Not much there to talk about. I did buy Hiker some homemade dog biscuits. Went back over to Jean's house to finish decorating. She wanted to put up some lights and we didn't get around to doing that yesterday. By the time I got home, it was after 2 pm. Hiker wanted to come home earlier, but she had to wait until we got done. My body feels like a steam roller ran over me. The weather for the past 2 days has been beautiful, but they are predicting more rain sometime next week.
Sounds like a nice day.