Monday, February 3, 2014

Beautiful Day Here

Right after Hiker and I crawled into bed last night, the power went off. I was watching TV and suddenly everything went dark. Heard a loud noise probably from a transformer blowing somewhere. Hiker started barking. But the power came right back on in about a minute. Had to get up and set clocks and turn computers and printer back on. Had our regular Monday dog walk with Jean and her dogs. It was cold here this morning...right around 32° when we started out and in the 40s when we were in my back yard with the dogs. The rain we were supposed to get last night never appeared. When I looked outside this morning, there was not a cloud in the sky. Talked with the appointment scheduler for my retinal specialist this morning, so my next two appointments for injections are February 28 and April 18. Have an appointment for my annual checkup with my primary doctor on March 5 so I will have to go to the lab for my blood work in a couple of weeks. I remember when my mom was alive how she went to the doctor all of the time and now I find myself doing that. Guess it's just something that comes with “old age” (LOL). After Y&R and lunch, I put Hiker in the car and we went down to the office to pay my land lease for this month and then we drove over to the Kaiser Pharmacy on the other side of Santa Clarita to pick up my blood pressure meds.

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