Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Not Much To Tell Today

Slept in a little bit today. Got up, had breakfast and then headed out around 9 am to do my grocery shopping. It was already 80° at that time. By 11:30 it was already 90°.
Not much to talk about today. After I got home from shopping, it was just too damn hot to go anywhere else or do anything outside. Stayed inside and watched TV or was on computer. By 1:45 pm it was 102° on my patio.
Hiker and I went up to the mailbox and on the way back, she started running for our house. Don't know if it was because the cement was hot on her paw or what. I checked them when we got back home and they looked OK. Maybe she just didn't like being out in the heat.
After I get today's email blog sent out, I will do some indoor walking with my Leslie Sansone DVDs.

1 comment:

  1. That 102 is darn hot. I agree with Hiker. Run home to the air conditioner.


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