Friday, January 29, 2016

Short Hike Today

Went on a dog walk with Jean and her 3 dogs this morning. It was starting to feel pretty warm by the time we finished our walk.

Decided to give myself a haircut this morning. My hair was getting to a point where it was driving me crazy.

By 11:30 am it was already 80° and very breezy. Almost felt like a day in late spring. They are still telling us that we are going to get a pretty good rain storm this Sunday.

After lunch, Hiker and I drove up to Vasquez Rocks and hiked around a little. There was a sign at the entrance that a film crew was in the park, but I didn’t see any cameras or anything, so I don’t know where they were filming. They film a lot of movies, TV shows and commercials up there.

Was in the 70’s here again today with a mostly cloudy sky.

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