Thursday, April 9, 2009

Almost Forgot

I was sitting here watching "Bones" on TV when all of a sudden I realized that I had not done a daily post.
Today I was going through some old family records and photos and decided to start doing some genealogy research, but I cannot really afford to pay for those sites like so I've been trying to find free search sites online. Anyone know of any?
I already have some information dating back to my great-great-grandparents....names, dates, etc. so I'm ahead of the game. I also got some information from my brother. He used to belong to so he got some information from there that I did not have.
I also want to create an online family tree to share with my other family members. I found a site called My where I think I'll be able to do that for no charge.
I never realized how interesting it was once you got started checking out ancestors. I can't wait to get into it more over the weekend.


  1. Sometimes if you type in a search engine the last name you are looking for plus genealogy (surname genealogy)you can find forums for that surname. You might find someone searching the same family. Also keep watch on, occasionally they have free days. I've gotten information that way.

  2. Everytime I have tried that I ended up somewhere where they charged so I haven't continued with it either. It is an interesting way to pass some time.

  3. Sheila....thanks for the tips. I'll do exactly that.

    I did find a forum where I ran across a "second-cousin" in Oklahoma. I emailed her and she has promised to send me the information she has and I'll send her what I have.



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