Monday, April 19, 2010

Ben's Follow-up Dr. Visit

Doctor put Ben back on his B/P meds and upped the dosage on one of them. Told Ben to take his B/P at home and also go in to have the nurse check it once in awhile so she can report it to the doctor. Lowered the dosage on his Iron from 3 a day to 2 a day. Ran blood tests to see how his blood numbers are doing and to make sure his kidneys are still ok since he was so dehydrated. Said he could go back to work Thursday if he wants.


  1. Sounds like things are almost under control, Kay. George and I have one of those wrist blood pressure monitors --and they do really good. You might buy one of those for Ben. We take our BP's every morning. We think it's good to keep records.

    Love your poppy pictures in the previous post. Gorgeous!!!! WOW!!!

    Have a great week..

  2. Hi Betsy,
    We actually have two of the arm style blood pressure machines. I use the smaller cuff and we had to buy a larger one for Ben. I just need for Ben to let me take his B/P more often and once in awhile he needs to go by and have the nurse check it too.

  3. I hope they have Ben back on track and that the blood work shows his kidneys are okay. Take care, Sheila

  4. The tests at the hospital said that his kidneys had "fixed" themselves, so he should be ok. Our doctor ran a bunch of tests yesterday. He'll notifiy us if he needs to see Ben right away again.

  5. Sounds like improvement. Sure hope he continues to get better.


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