Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update On My Husband Ben

For those of you who do not know, Ben is in the hospital. He had a terrible bout of diarrhea and blood. He because extremely dehydrated and anemic. I had taken him to Kaiser's Urgent Care yesterday evening and they called 911 and had him rushed to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. They were afraid that he was so week that he may have a heart attack.

He was transferred from Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital to Kaiser Panorama City this morning. They gave him 2 units of blue at Henry Mayo last night and another one at Kaiser today. They keep telling us that his hemoglobins are still way below what they should be and it's probably because he is still bleeding some. He is stable now and they are going to do a colonoscopy on him probably tomorrow to see what is causing the bleeding. We are praying that it is just some ruptured hemorrhoids or veins from all of the diarrhea.

Keith came up from Orange and stayed with me last night and all day today, but he has to return home this evening, so I will be alone tonight which kind of scares me. I wish Ben was still at Henry Mayo so I could stay with him longer in the evening. My biggest fear has always been being alone.

I want to thank everyone for their love and prayers. They are greatly appreciated at this time.

I will keep everyone posted on what is happening with him.

1 comment:

  1. Kay, I am so sorry to hear of Ken's trouble. I will tuck him in my prayers as well as you. Don't be afraid. God is with you, especially when you feel you cannot do this, turn things over to Him, and He will carry you.
    God Speed your Ken back to health


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