Hiker always seems to know when I'm going somewhere that she cannot go with me. She hates being left alone. This morning I had to go to my doctor for my annual checkup and she seemed to know something was up. I took her out for a short 1 mile walk this morning. It was cold and cloudy out. It actually looked more like it could rain today than it looked yesterday when they said we'd get rain but the rain never came. My annual physical went well. Doctor was pleased with everything except my cholesterol but he knows my problem is genetic and that I cannot take the statin drugs to lower it. He made some suggestions of things I can get over-the-counter, but I've tried a couple of them and they do not help me before so I doubt they would help me now . He was OK with me not wanting to do the colonoscopy. He gave me a stool test kit instead. Won't get my PAP results for about 10 days but he said everything seemed OK. I'm due for my mammo before the end of the year, but other than that, I'm done for now. By noon it was still very cloudy and cool outside...only 50°. Took Hiker over to the Southfork Trail this afternoon for a 2 mile walk. Still partly cloudy and cool out.
Glad to hear that the appointment went well.