Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another Cloudy Day

Hiker and I slept in again this morning. We didn't have any plans for today so we figured it wouldn't hurt. Still cloudy and gray here. Hiker has been “playing” with her pillow bed all day. She somehow gets it upended and she pushes it all around the living room. Silly dog. Did not take Hiker out for a morning walk because everything was so wet, plus I was waiting for the gardener to come and mow. I needed to be home if and when he did so I could pay him for the month and to let him into the backyard through the garage. He used to go through the side gate but before Ben died we had gravel and stepping stones put on that side of the house so he cannot get his mower through there anymore. I have to let him go through the garage. I don't know what the heck happened today, but I got an upgrade for iTunes on my laptop where I sync my iPhone and iPad and when I plugged my iPhone in to sync it, I lost a bunch of apps and a bunch of contacts so now I have to go back and add them. Took Hiker down to the park just before lunch. Very cloudy outside.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so pretty! Love the ocean! Tell Hiker that Tugie and I said hello!


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