Monday, May 18, 2009


I guess there was a 4.7 earthquake near Inglewood, CA last night around 8:40 PM. I usually feel them, but didn't know about this one until the news people broke in during "Desperate Housewives" and told about it. Guess the shockwaves went southeast from the epicenter. I'm several miles north of there. Sounds like there was a little damage down that way....broken store windows, things falling off shelves, falling ceiling tiles. It was on the same fault that caused the BIG quake of 1933 in Inglewood. That one did a lot of damage and killed some people as it was a 6.7 quake. Even though they claim there is no such thing as "Earthquake Weather", we in California always refer to this as "Shake and Bake"....the combination of the quake and the really hot weather we've been having.

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