Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ben's Wednesday Update

Ben was pretty out of it today. My advocate from my attorney's office said it's probably because the are giving him that low dose of Haldol. He loves to take his anger out on me every day now. He is nice to the nurses and other people who come in, but once they leave, he is calling me names and telling me I don't care about him. I know he does this because he feels "safe" yelling at me because he knows he can do it and I'll still love him. He kept telling me that today was November 2nd and that we just had Halloween. His belly is starting to get a little bigger again and today it felt like it was getting hard again. The facility dietitian said that it is probably because they have started feeding him through the NG tube again. She said she is monitoring it. He threw up while I was outside having lunch on the patio. This could mean that he is not tolerating the feeding. The physical therapists worked with him again today. They are trying to get him strong enough to be able to put him in a special chair so he can start going to the activities room to be with other people. I asked to have the facility chaplain start coming in and visiting him because of his crying spell yesterday. They gave him another one of those showers he enjoys so much.  I attended a Care Plan meeting with my social worker, my advocate from my attorney's office, the activities director, today's charge nurse, the dietitian and the physical/occupational/speech therapy rep this afternoon. Went pretty well.

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