Thursday, November 7, 2013

Back To "Normal" Day

Hiker and I were lazy this morning. I didn't go to sleep until around midnight last night. I was reading until around 11:30. Don't know what was going on in our gated community last night but just before dusk, I saw two studio trucks parked up at the top of my street. Didn't really think too much about it, but then I went outside with Hiker after dark and I noticed big lights up on the hill about 2 streets up from me. Since they do so much TV and commercial filming around Santa Clarita, I could tell they were lights for filming. I'll have to see if Jean knows what was going on. She seems to always be up on the Canyon View happenings. Decided to do a load of laundry (sheets and towels) this morning because I didn't get to do it last Sunday and I got some bills paid. While Keith was here, I just set the bills aside figuring I'd pay them after he left. I do not know what has gotten into Hiker lately. She is really making me mad. She used to love to go for walks, but now that she knows there are skateboards and bicycles along the paths, she sometimes does not want to go. When she gets into that mood, she pees all over the house when I try to put her collar and leash on her. She's been doing that more and more lately. I don't know how to get her to stop. I wanted to take her for an afternoon walk today and she just did not want to go. She peed all over the entry floor. I scolded her and made her go out into the garage and stay out there by herself for awhile, but I don't know if that will help. We eventually went for a short walk. Today felt like summer outside, so it got too hot after awhile and we didn't walk very far. When she knows we are walking with Jean and her dogs or that she is going to get to ride in the car, Hiker wants to go and she doesn't pee when I'm trying to put her collar and leash on. Sure am not happy with “MapMyFitness” since they updated to a new app. It just doesn't work right anymore.

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