Friday, September 20, 2013

Nice Day To Be Outside

Last night I watched a cute move called “The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid”. Went to bed around 9 pm and went right to sleep. Got up around 7 am, made some breakfast and then went outside and cleaned up the flower bed in my front yard. Had to remove all of the dead gladiolas and trim back the two rose bushes. Looks much better now. It was foggy when I got up around 6 am to let Hiker outside. We sent back to bed until the sun came out. Decided to do a load of laundry today. I usually do it on Saturday, but Jean and I had to change our dog walk/play date to Saturday because she had a dental appointment this morning, so we didn't get to walk the dogs as we usually do on Fridays. After lunch Hiker and I went over to the South Fork Trail in Newhall for a 2 mile walk. It was nice outside. Only 79° and breezy. Hope this weather stays.

1 comment:

  1. So glad your weather has gotten cooler for you, Kay. Enjoy!!



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