Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Hallmark Sunday

Felt a little better again this morning. Each day my back aches a little less. I guess the medications are working. Still did not feel strong enough to do any of my normal stuff. No walking again. No changing the sheets on the bed because it involves too much bending and stretching. Still no going to this weekend's craft fair with Jean. I'm hoping that I will feel up to a dog walk tomorrow morning. It's been a week since the dogs have gotten to be together. Jean called me around 10:30 am to see how I was doing and I told her that I plan to walk the dogs tomorrow morning, but if I don't feel like walking, I want her to at least bring her dogs over to play with Hiker since Hiker is getting cabin fever. We've decided that if I feel well enough on Friday that we will go out to lunch and do some shopping that day. I noticed that my back has been itching where it was hurting me so much before. I remember my mom always telling me that if you had an injury or a wound that when it itches that means the injury/wound was healing. I sure hope she was right. All I know is that the itch feels like it is really deep inside. My TV was once again set on the Hallmark Channel all day.


  1. I hope you're feeling better soon. I know how that back problem is and I bet Hiker will be glad to get out for a walk. Lol. Take care. Jean


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