Saturday, November 5, 2011

New "Toy" Saturday

It was 32° this morning when Hiker got me out of bed to take her for her morning walk. When it's that cold, I only do a mile with her because my fingers and toes start going numb (LOL). I went back over to Big Lots to check if they got any more of those tablet PCs in and they did! I got there about 5 minutes before they opened. There was already 2 couples in front of me at the door, then about 15 more people came up behind me. When they opened the door, they told us that if we were there to buy a tablet to get in line at the register in the order we were waiting at the door, so I was #3. I got the tablet and have it pretty much set up now. It is an Android Velocity Cruz Reader. I can download books to it like a Kindle and I can surf the web and check email too. I will bet that they sold out of them by the time I got home with all of those people there. Hiker is getting used to the gardener coming on Saturdays now. She still barks at him a little, but not like she did the first time. After I had lunch, I took her down to the park and she and I walked around the dry riverbed a little. She saw a snowy egret standing in the riverbed and she sat down and just watched it. It finally took off and she watched it fly away. She is so curious about everything when I take her out. When we got back home, I did some of the “homework” with her for her class. She will do it until she gets bored and then I just have to give up because she gets stubborn and won't work anymore. I have to remember to change my clocks before I go to bed. Ben was always so good about reminding me to do that twice a year. Also changed the batteries in my smoke detectors.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy your new toy. Yep time to change the clocks again. I wish they would just leave the time one way or the other.


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