Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Day At Group

I wish I could get a full night's sleep. Right after Ben died, I had grief induced insomnia and could never get to sleep before 3:00 am. Now I fall asleep on the sofa between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm so I go to bed and go right to sleep, but then I wake up several times a night. I just cannot get a full 7 or 8 hours and I am so tired when I get up in the morning. Between the time I retired from Lockheed in 2006 and the time that Ben went into the hospital in 2011, I was getting a full night's sleep every night for the first time in years. I figured it was because I no longer had the stress of my job. But once Ben went into the hospital, those wonderful nights of sleep stopped and I have not slept well in over a year now. Went to my grief support group today. That new guys did show up today, but he was a lot more quiet and our therapist was able to control him today. DeDee and I were thinking that maybe he is on medication and last week he had not taken it yet. Before he got there, everyone that got their early was saying that they were hoping he didn't come today, but he did, and every time he opened his mouth, people started making comments. But at least he was not able to ruin our group session today. The new lady from last week (Gin) came again. She has been widowed for 3 months. We also had another new lady named Jane. Her husband passed away 6 weeks ago. After group, it was just DeDee and me for lunch as the other ladies had other commitments. We went to the Round Table Pizza buffet. When we left to go home, I noticed that the thermometer in my car said the outside temperature was 99° but when I got home my thermometer on my patio said it was 91°. It may have been 8° warmer over in Newhall. I guess that is possible. I'm waiting to take Hiker out for her walk later when hopefully it will be a little cooler outside.

1 comment:

  1. I sleep so erratic too and Mel has been gone over twenty years. I think its more of a woman thing as I hear so many say they sleep like that. It does make for a tired feeling so I just sleep when I get tired no mater what time of day or night it is. Thank goodness for computers and crossword puzzles in the night. I have been known to do laundry in the night. lol


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