Sunday, February 3, 2013

An Afternoon At The Museum

They kept saying that we would not get any rain from the clouds that hung over us all day yesterday, but around 8 pm last night, I looked outside and it was raining and it rained for a few hours. This morning though was bright and sunny when Hiker and I crawled out of bed. We had breakfast and then headed out to buy my Lotto ticket and to head over to the post office. When we got back, we sent out for a morning walk inside our gated community. Got some chores out of the way like washing the sheets and towels and vacuuming the carpet. My friend and fellow hiker RuthAnne was volunteering this afternoon at our Historical Society Museum over in Newhall, so Hiker and I went over there to go on her guided tour of the museum. RuthAnne is also a school teacher here in our valley and a lot of her students were at the museum going on her tour. Hiker was allowed in the old train station that houses the museum and she was a very good girl while there. It was a beautiful day here today. I'm looking forward to dinner later because I am making homemade scalloped of my favorites.

I am attaching the link to "The Mighty Oak" which is the newsletter of our local Senior Center. My article is on page 5 this month, but make sure you also read the story on page 1 about Tommie and Rudy.

The Mighty Oak

Our Historical Society Museum (Saugus Train Station)
Hiker at the museum

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for attaching The Mighty Oak newsletter, Kay! Your article was the first thing I went to. The love you had... and still have... for Ben is written between every line! I like how you talked about the hardships associated with widowhood but at the same time gave hope too, that life goes on & can go on quite enjoyably... while at the same time not forgetting or missing your beloved.

    Your senior center sounds like a place I would LOVE to go to... it would be my hangout, for sure!! A real happenin' place!!

    We have another blizzard warning in effect. Can I come visit you for about a month? *haha*

    Have a great day with Hiker!!



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