Thursday, May 31, 2012

Very Hot Here Today

Had a dream last night that Ben was in and this time he was not blurred. I could see his sweet face so clearly. He and I were on a trip and Hiker was with us. Ben didn't talk at all in my dream, but he would look right into my eyes when I spoke to him. That's the first dream I've had of him in several months and the first time ever that his face was so clear. Hiker and I went on a 2 mile walk this morning and then came home for breakfast. Took her in the car with me when I went to get my Lottery tickets. Ben's buddy Ed called me last night from Boise, ID where his mom lives. He goes up there every few weeks and stays with her from a month or so then comes home for a few weeks and then heads back up. She is in her 90's and lives alone. His dad died several years ago. He and I still share the Lottery ticket that he and Ben used to share, so he was calling me to tell me that he was not going to get home this week and would I buy the ticket. We alternate who buys the ticket each week. He is still having a hard time accepting Ben's death too. They were friends for 35 years. Ben met him about 2 years after he met me. By 10:00 am, it was already 80°, so once again spent the day inside with the A/C on. The trash trucks were running today. They ran a day later than normal due to the holiday last Monday. Hiker is so funny when they empty the trash containers. She growls and barks at them like they are stealing something from us. It hit 100° here right around 1:30 pm. I was sitting on the sofa watching TV and suddenly I started thinking about that last day at the hospital with Ben and I started to cry. Hiker was lying over by the fireplace on the tiles where as they are cooler than the carpet. She got up and come over to me, jumped up on the sofa and started licking me. I am so glad I have her.


  1. Hiker is so impressive with her love and caring for you. I'm glad you adopted such a sweet dog.

  2. That is so neat that you had a dream of Ben and that he was clearer this time. I remember I had a dream about my dad years after my dad died, and after I woke up I felt like it really happened and I missed him more than I had. Great post Kay! I always enjoy reading your posts!! :) I agree with Paula- I am so glad that you adopted Hiker- she is such a sweet dog! I wanted to let you know that I awarded you over on my blog! :)

  3. It's hot here in Alabama i don't think it has hit 100 yet but expect it to at anytime. Lol. Take care. Jean


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