Monday, August 8, 2011

"Enjoyable" Monday

Well, I don't know what was wrong with me last night, but I could not go to sleep. Finally took a sleep aid pill around 1:30 am and I think I got to sleep around 2:00 am. Woke up around 4:30 am and realized TV was still on so I turned it off and went back to sleep until just before 7:00 am. Got up and made breakfast and waited for Linda to get here to go to the Ventura County Fair. She drove since I had not gotten much sleep. We got there just a few minutes after they opened. Was overcast the whole time we were there which was nice because it was about 15 degrees cooler there than it was in Santa Clarita. The fairgrounds is right on the beach, so that's why it stays cool there. We went through all of the exhibit buildings, had lunch at a chicken stand, checked out the livestock then went over into the fun zone to watch all of the young people on the crazy rides. I looked for the woman who is a friend of my friend Charlotte, but never did find her. She was supposed to be showing her goats at the fair. After we left the fairgrounds, we walked over to the beach and walked along the coast for a little while. Then we drove back up to Serra Cross Park to take some photos of the fairgrounds from there. Left there and headed home. There were a few times when Linda and I were talking about Ben and I cried, but all in all, it was a pretty good day. Even though I know that Ben will not be coming home from work around 5:00 pm for dinner, I still have that “inner clock” telling me that I need to get home before he does. It's a habit that is going to probably take me a long time to get out of.


  1. I am glad your day went well.Some of the inner habits do take a long time to change.

  2. I remember that feeling of needing to be home at supper time. Glad you had a nice time at the fair.


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