Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Is In The Air

Don't know if it was the time change or what, but I sure had a bad day yesterday. Kept thinking about Ben and I was missing him so much. Still having trouble getting used to the time change today. Woke up around 6:30 am to feed Hiker and let her out to potty, then went back to bed and fell back to sleep. Got up around 7:30 and made breakfast, then drove Hiker and me over to the market to get some things I had run out of. Came home and took Hiker for a 1.5 mile walk and then came home and cleaned my little bathroom. It was overcast when Hiker and I first got up this morning. Most of the day it was partly cloudy but a lot cooler than it has been. They say we may have a chance of rain sometime this week. Actually got up into the low 70's today which surprised me some. I took Hiker out for another walk this afternoon and when I got back, my Internet was down. My modem only had 2 lights on instead of 4 so I had to call Time Warner and have them “tweak” it from their end to get it started again. They told me again that I only have a month and a half before they disconnect us. I may have to go with that Verizon 3G Hotspot device because I really do NOT want to have anything to do with AT&T anymore. I cleaned out the last drawers of the dresser that is in my computer room and shredded more paperwork I didn't need. Now I have to go through the small bookcase in that room and I'll be done with that room and will be able to move on to the next project which will be going through the hall closet.
Here is a photo I took this morning while Hiker and I were out walking. You can tell that spring is in the air.

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