Friday, June 29, 2012

Finished The Closet

Hiker got me up a little after 7:00 am. She wanted to go for her morning walk. We never went for our second walk yesterday. I tried to take Hiker out around 6:30 pm, but she did not want to go. I think the heat was getting to her. Plus I wonder how hot the pavement is on those little pads on her paws when we go out on really hot days. After we got back from our morning walk, made breakfast and then started working on cleaning out the closet in my bedroom again. I didn't realize how many pairs of shoes Ben had. I ended up giving 12 pair to the Goodwill and tossing several pair that were not in good condition. Ben always had trouble finding shoes that fit him good. Usually he'd return them if they didn't but there were times that he thought they were OK and then by the time he realized they hurt his feet, it was too late to return them. I finished cleaning the closet and then cleaned out his night stand. Tomorrow I will go through his dresser. There won't be much there because I already gave his sock to my brother and put most of his underwear out in the “rag box” in the garage. I'm going to put my things in his dresser and use my old dresser in another room. Hiker and I went over to the Goodwill Donation Station to drop of some stuff and then went up to Sam's Club so I could fill the Corolla with gas. Worked on my jigsaw puzzle a little more. It got up to about 92° here today.

Nice morning for our walk


  1. Its a sobering experience to go through your husband's things and try to decide what to do with each article. You are getting it done and it is something that has to be done sooner or later.

  2. Kay, I greet warmly.
    I'm caught in your blog.
    The pictures are captivating, lovely.


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