Monday, July 23, 2012

Lunch With My Friend Judy

Slept pretty good last night. Don't remember waking up until around 5:00 am but I went right back to sleep. Got up to feed Hiker and let her out to potty around 6:30 am and then went back to bed until around 8:00 am. We didn't go for a morning walk because it was already getting too warm. I met my friend Judy Holdt at Don Cuco Mexican Restaurant in Acton, CA today for lunch. Her birthday was earlier in July and I had told her I wanted to take her to lunch so that's we did. Hiker didn't like it because I left her home alone but I was only gone for 2 ½ hours instead of the 4 ½ to 5 hours I am gone on Tuesdays when I go to my group and then out to lunch.

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