Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sizzler With The Girls

This morning between 1:30 am and 1:40 am, Hiker was asleep on the foot of my bed. We both heard a “thud” and she leaped off the bed and started barking. She went to the sliding door and looked between the vertical blinds and just kept barking. I got up and turned the lights on both inside and outside. Went into the living room and check things out. Everything seemed OK so we went back to bed. A few minutes later we heard another noise but I could not tell if it was outside or inside. Once again Hiker started barking but this time she was barking at my closet door. I opened the door and found that a bag of gift bags and gift wrapping that I had on the closet shelf had somehow fallen off the shelf and that's the noise we had heard. I'm guessing the first “thud” was the bag falling against the door and getting stuck there but then the weight of it finally made it fall to the floor (the second noise). I noticed that the TV was still on but that the Time Warner screen saver had come onto the screen. I started to turn it off and noticed that the digital box was rebooting and noticed that the digital box in the living room was also rebooting. Don't know what that was all about either. I had trouble going back to sleep. Hiker went into my computer room and slept in there for a little while but she finally came back and got in bed with me around 4:00 am. Was warm and humid when we got up around 8:00 am and heard on the TV News that it was going to get up to about 93° here today. My friend Linda came by my house at 10:30 am and we headed over to pick up our friend Sandi and then pick up or friend DeDee and we headed up to Palmdale to meet our other friends, Gail, Kay (yes another Kay) and Marce for lunch at the Sizzler up there. Always have a fun time with these girls. We all worked together for many years. When I got back home to Hiker girl it was hot...97° and a little humid. I think I ate too much.

1 comment:

  1. Wish we still had a Sizzler near by. It is unnerving to hear a noise in the middle of the night and not know what it was. Good Hiker could point it out to you.


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