Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Hot Wednesday

Hiker and I went for a 2 mile walk this morning. The sky was so pretty with the little “cotton ball” clouds. When we got home, I poached a couple of eggs (one for me and one for Hiker) for breakfast and then I put my license plates on my new car. For some reason, once you put the plates on and remove the dealer paper plates, it feels like the car I no longer new. When Keith was here I purchased a Black & Decker rechargeable, hand held vacuum to use to keep the inside of the car clean. It's not one of those car vacuums that has no suction. This vacuum can be used in the house too and has a lot of power. I vacuumed any dog hair that was in the seats after I put the plates on. The rest of the day, Hiker and I just stayed in the house with the A/C since it got up to 99° here today.

Nice sky when Hiker and I went for our morning walk. When the flowers on this prickly pear cactus bloom, I'll take some photos to share.

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