Saturday, August 31, 2013

Good-bye August

Hiker woke me up at 5:45 am to go outside. It was already 72° and extremely humid. We got out of bed at 7 am and by 7:30 we were out for our morning walk. It was 75° and the humidity was 72%. The bugs were eating me alive and I felt like I was walking through a sauna. By the time we got home I was drenched with sweat. I wanted to put some more of that anti-itch cream on Hiker this morning but she sensed something was up and she kept hiding from me. That little bugger is so smart. I have no idea how she knew I wanted to put something on her. I kept trying to get her to go outside because she gets the “scared wee wees” and I didn't want her peeing all over the house, but every time I'd try to get her to go out she would run and hide in my bedroom. Any other morning, she would be wanting to go outside and lay on the patio after our walk, which is what she usually does every day, but not today. I finally fooled her into going outside just before lunch and I applied the lotion while she peed all over the patio (LOL). The rest of the day, we stayed inside as it was 96°. The humidity level went down to 42% but that is still more than we are used to. The sky was beautiful all day with big white fluffy clouds.

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