Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Jean and I did our normal Monday dog walk this morning. Such a pretty day outside. A lot of people were out walking their dogs this morning since they didn't have to work. Around 10 am, the WWII planes flew over my house. Hiker and I ran out into the yard to watch them. Hiker looked up at them and barked. Ben and I used to go over to our local cemetery every Memorial Day to watch the planes fly over. They always fly the old planes over and a few times they flew fighter jets and a couple of times they flew a huge C-17 Cargo Plane over. I remember Memorial Day 2011. I had gone to the hospital to be with Ben. He had gotten mixed up by this time on what day it was or what month it was, so I told him it was Memorial Day. He asked me if I was going to go to the cemetery and watch the planes. I told him that I wouldn't go without him and that we'd go together the next year, which never happened. I have not gone since, but it was so cool to see the planes fly directly over my house. I like to believe that Ben sent them so I could see them again. I had another dream about him last night. I dreamt that we were out somewhere and he was waiting out in the car for me to finish shopping or something. I've dreamed more about him in the past few weeks than I have done in the entire two years he's been gone.

1 comment:

  1. I think he sent the planes for you to see with Hiker.


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