Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another Great Lunch With The Group Gals

Got up around 7 am, had some breakfast and then took Hiker out for a nice morning walk. It was nice and cool out this morning, but by 11:30 am, it was almost 90° already.
My older brother emailed from Paradise, CA up north that it was extremely hot up there this morning. He said it was almost 80° at 6:30 am.
At noon, I headed up to the Golden Valley Plaza to meet the group girls for lunch at Chili’s.
I love being with these ladies. Never a dull moment. Today, Jane was telling us the story of how she met her husband and about their short courtship before marriage. Listening to her, in the back of my mind I was seeing an old 1940’s movie with the sailor about to go off to war and the young girl he had fallen in love with. I told her she should write a screenplay about it.
Finally headed for home around 2:30 and was home before 3 pm. It was 98° on my patio when I got home.
I need to remember to leave on my laptops tonight because tomorrow they are supposed to download the new Windows 10 program so I can install it.

1 comment:

  1. Lunch and a story sounds like a fun way to spend an afternoon.


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