Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Worried About My Hiker Girl

Hiker had me worried yesterday. She and I went on a morning walk before I went to meet my friends for lunch. She was fine before I left but when I got home, she didn’t come to me when I called her and when I went to touch her, she backed off and whimpered. She didn’t want me to touch her. She wanted to go outside so I opened the slider and she had trouble going down the steps. When she came back in, she would not come near me. She ate her dinner OK. Later I went to take a shower. She always comes into the bedroom and gets up on the bed while I’m in there. When she jumped up on the bed, she whimpered again. I gave her a little bit of ice cream but she still did not want me to touch her. Later when it was time to go to bed, she was still lying in the entryway. Usually she is in my bed already. I made her go outside to go potty before bed and she went out OK but when she came back in, she had trouble coming up the steps this time and she would not come to bed with me. She went back into the entryway.
I finally got her to come to me in the living room and I started touching her all over to see where she was hurting. She didn’t like it when I would get near her hips and back legs. I got her to let me message her back there and slowly stretch her legs. I gave her a baby aspirin and I went to bed. She finally came in to join me around midnight and I helped her get up on the bed because she kept going around it like she wanted to get up on the bed but couldn’t. I took a sleep aid and we both went to sleep. She did not move from under her blanket the entire night.
This morning she jumped off the bed when the alarm went off and she did not whimper, but she came in to lay under a small table I have by the entryway and she whimpered a little when she got under it. I gave her another baby aspirin.
She ate her breakfast and went outside. I went back to bed because I had not slept that well and she stayed in the living room.
I had to go do my grocery shopping and she seemed a little better when I got back home. She went outside for a while and this time did not have any trouble doing the steps.
I’ll keep an eye on her all day. I’m thinking maybe she just pulled a muscle and is in a little bit of pain like when we have back pain or whatever. If she doesn’t seem better by Thursday, I’ll take her to a vet.
She seemed to be doing better in the afternoon. She even wanted to walk up to the mailbox with me. I had messaged her hip area often, so maybe that was helping. Since I didn’t get much sleep last night due to being worried about Hiker, I kept tried to take a nap on the sofa this afternoon.

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