Friday, November 2, 2012

Another Day...Another Walk (Or Two)

Did our regular Friday dog walk with Jean and her three dogs this morning. It was pretty chilly the high 40's when we left. My house felt chilly too this morning, so I put the furnace on for awhile before I got out of bed to get dressed. I cannot believe my calves are still hurting me from my 5 mile hike on Wednesday. I guess it's because I have gotten out of shape from not hiking when we were having those hot summer days. The local weather keeps saying that we will be back up into the 90's again this weekend with more “Santa Ana” winds. It was pretty much a relaxing Friday for me. I did check out the batteries in my smoke detectors and my Carbon Monoxide detectors. I always check them and/or change them when we change from daylight savings time or when we change from standard time, so I thought I'd do it while I was thinking about it. Took Hiker out for an afternoon walk and took my camera along to get some “nature” shots. Temps reached 79° today.

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