Friday, November 23, 2012

Helping Jean With Her Decorations

Got up this morning and headed out with Jean and her dogs for our “every Friday dog walk”. When she went home, had breakfast and then I headed up to Stater Brothers to do my weekly grocery shopping. I held off until today because I knew that everyone would be out shopping for “Black Friday” and not at the grocery store. I was right. I pulled into the parking lot and it was almost empty. I parked in the first slot right outside the door and there was hardly anyone in the store. I did my shopping, went up to checkout and there wasn't anyone in line. After I got home and put the groceries away, Hiker and I went over to Jean's and I helped her put up all of her outdoor Christmas decorations. I figured I'd help her since I am not planning on putting up any decorations at my house again this year. I just still am not in the state of mind to do that. Spent 2 ½ hours at her house helping. Another neighbor named Sharon was there helping too. I will probably be sore tomorrow from the stretching and stooping, plus I kept hitting my hand with the hammer I was using to put the stakes in the ground for the decorations. Got so busy I skipped lunch. Sure was warm today. Got up to 85° by 2:00 pm.

Here are photos of the decorations we put out in her yard.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a lot of decorations. All that stooping and bending would have done me in. I have a really bad back. Have been sitting on the floor working on a loom to make a small rug sampler and boy oh boy do I have a hard time getting up. Must find a better position for hooking. Our weather is nice and cool in the mornings and evenings -- still tends to get a little warm in the day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy holidays! Tammy


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