Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baking Day

Took Hiker out for a 1.6 mile walk this morning. It was crystal clear outside. The mountains looked beautiful, but it was a little chilly. When we got back home, I put a load of laundry into the washer and then I started making fudge. I made a batch of Hershey Milk Chocolate with walnuts and a batch of Reese’s peanut butter with extra peanuts. Then I made some peanut butter cookies and some sugar cookies. The peanut butter cookies didn't come out as good as the sugar cookies, so I'm not going to share them with my grief group. They taste good, but just don't look right. I've decided that next year, if I make anything, it will just be fudge because it just takes too long to make the other stuff and it makes a big mess.

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