Thursday, December 27, 2012

Beautiful Day In SoCal

It was 35° when Hiker and I got out of bed this morning. The sky was very clear and there was a light breeze blowing. I got dressed and headed over to Wal-Mart to buy myself some new jeans. All of the ones I have are getting really old and starting to get holes in the knees. I know that's the latest fad with the young people, but my knees were getting cold (LOL). Came home and saw that Ben's sister Donna had called me. I called her back and she said that they were going to be heading back home today so they would not be able to see me again until next month when they will be back over here from Las Vegas. After lunch, I decided to go out and work in the yard. I had bought 5 bags of wood chips when Keith was here to spread in my flower beds, so I decided to do that because we are supposed to get more rain this weekend and I wanted to get it done before more rain came. I needed to fill my hummingbird feeder. I got my clothes all dirty. Looked like I'd been playing in the mud (LOL).

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