Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hung Out Around Home All Day

Why does the bed feel so good in the morning? Because of that, Hiker and I stayed in bed until almost 8 am. When we got up, it was overcast and cool. The weather people didn't say anything about cloudy weather until the end of the week. Got up and made myself a couple of fried eggs and some toast for breakfast. I know “fried” is not good but I used just a little bit of canola oil. After breakfast, I put Hiker in the car and headed over to the liquor store to buy my Lotto tickets and then came home and started the laundry. I used to like cloudy days when Ben was alive, but now they just make me sad. When it's bright and sunny, I feel like getting out and walking or hiking or taking photographs. When it's cloudy, I just want to stay inside and veg out on the couch. That's why I decided to order the Wii EA Active Personal Trainer software on Amazon for my Wii console. Hopefully I'll “make” myself exercise on days we cannot get out for our walk. Last night I tried the Wii Boxing that came on my Wii Sport. I must say it actually had me working up a sweat. A lot of the cloud cover had burned off by 10:30 am but we didn't go for a morning walk because I had to do my vacuuming and some other house work. The sun and clouds kept changing places all the rest of the day. Finally took Hiker out for a very short walk to Discovery Park. I just did not feel much like walking today. My brother Keith just reminded me that next Sunday (March 10) we change to Daylight Saving Time.

1 comment:

  1. Sure am glad to see you are getting out some. Hiker is a good pal to have. I know he keeps you company. My little Buddy keeps me company. I talk to him all the time and he always looks like he understands. I just found a new puppy today so we'll see how that goes. (someone dropped him off at my office and he seemed so lost and scared so I brought him inside. He loves me now. He might be 6-8 weeks old. He is so sweet. Have a good afternoon Kay.


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