Sunday, November 22, 2015

Stay Inside Sunday (Well, for most of the day)

Slept in late this morning. Decided since I’m supposed to be resting according to doctor’s orders that I was not going to doing anything but veg out today.
That crazy bird that was flying up against my bedroom window yesterday was back early this morning. Hiker and I started hearing the tapping around 6 am. Don’t know why the bird seems so determined to try to fly through my window pane.
Made some pancakes for breakfast and then decided to walk Hiker down to the park. Didn’t walk fast or very far. Just needed to get out of the house. I felt Hiker needed a walk because she is getting bored and starting to dig in the backyard. I also wanted to see how my vision was outside. It worked out pretty well.
Was a beautiful morning. Sunny and clear and a little breezy.
While walking around the park, I realized that my problem with focusing since my surgery is kind of like when I was a kid. I started wearing eyeglasses when I was 11 years old. Every 2 years I’d have to get new eyeglasses because my eyes were changing so quickly. Every time I’d go to the eye doctor my prescription would get stronger. The focusing issues I’m having now reminds me of back then. It would take 2 or 3 days for my eyes to adjust to the stronger prescription. I remember the floor would look like it was tilting when I’d put on a new pair of eyeglasses. Only now, I have that same feeling every morning.
After lunch, I put Hiker in the car and actually drove down to the liquor store to get my lottery tickets. Even though I’m still “out of focus” my eyes were much clearer than when I was driving around with that cataract in my eye.
Spent the afternoon watching Hallmark Christmas movies again.

Me wearing my “old-fart sunglasses” – they are huge!

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